Random Pictures 2

posted under , by greynut  
I got divided by zero lately, hence my lack of updates. Anyway, here are more random pictures that I found. I do not own these pictures and therefore credits belong to their owners. I have included the links to the owners of these pictures whenever possible, with lack of meaning I could not locate the source of these pictures. If you happen to know their origins, please drop me an email at wn.fong.v3@gmail.com.

Aurora Borealis from the space. Also known as Northen Polar Lights or just aurorae. Source

Urm...Great moment here. Unidentified source.

If my memory does not fail me, this chap is said to prevent the fire engine from being frozen. Unidentified source too.

If the words on the sign are too small, here is what it says. Unidentified source.
1. Mass Ave Bridge Closed
2. Sunday 04/22/07 6am-3pm
3. To Appease Godzilla

Zombie attack! Be afraid. Be very afraid. Unidentified source.

Shoryuken Cat. KO-ed by his awesomeness! Source

LOLCAT + Emoticon = Win! Unidentified source.

The phenomenon is not exclusive to Apple products though. Source

I say, fire away USS Lincoln. Unidentified source.

It's no longer flies that go into your mouth if you yawn with your mouth wide open. Unidentified source.

I faces the risk of invoking wraths of the fairer sex by posting this one. Heh. Unidentified source. Definitely not from the periodic table.

Beats me why his genitals are in surgical spirits. Unidentified source.

Somehow I believe the mistakes made have successfully magnified the protestors' message. Unknown source.

...especially when stress is handed to you like desserts, if you catch what I mean. Unknown source.

The WTF panda. Unidentified source. Definitely not WWF.

This may come from WWF, the wrestling body. Again, unidentified source.

Okay, this is creepy. First we have pedobear. Now it's pedopanda. Or is it pedobear in disguise? Beats me. Unidentified source.

Stay tuned. Adieu, graynut signing off.


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